Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Project Number 2!

I pretty much love all the candy that was used for the making of this video. This was really just something fun i decided to do yesterday...Enjoy!! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Movie!

So today, instead of watching TV or using the computer we decided to make a movie :). I felt very accomplished for being the director if this (i think) pretty freaking sweet "Ok Go inspired" project, mom was pleased that we were out of the house, Amanda was thrilled to be doing something fun, and Josh was a tad bored (though i think he had more fun than he let on ;)). In the end we all felt like this was a great choice of activity for a summer afternoon. Enjoy!


This is my new blog dedicated to all our wonderful family and friends. (Though mostly the ones who are far away:)). Enjoy!